Welcome to Downward Dog Canine Transformation
Downward Dog Canine Transformation offers the only dog behavior service of its kind in the Louisville, KY area. We are the behaviorist you call when the more typical training has not worked for you and your dog(s). Our approach to training and rehabilitation is personalized and focuses on problem-solving and solutions that fit the goals of the client, and connect with the needs and learning style of the individual dog. Traditional obedience training is a smart idea for all dogs, but it does not always resolve behavior concerns, build social skills or strengthen the human/dog bond. We emphasize all of those things in order to bring peace and balance to the dog, the human and the home.
Whether your dog struggles with anxiety, insecurity, trauma, leash reactivity, aggression or any other challenge, we will apply rehabilitation strategies that are based on the psychology of the dog. The ultimate goal is to find the solutions that best promote a calm brain and alleviate the stress at the root of those behavior challenges.

Leash Reactivity
Leash Reactivity is probably the most common issue for which folks call us. Leash reactivity refers to over-excitement while on leash when a dog encounters a trigger. “Over-excitement” can often look aggressive, especially when the trigger is another dog or a human. However, a dog with leash reactivity may not be aggressive at all. In fact, most dogs who are leash reactive are not aggressive. First, we master the walk and leash manners, then we bring out stunt dogs for controlled work on reactivity, then we head out to the park, pet stores, etc for real life practice.

Social Skills Hurdles
Calls come in every week from owners whose dogs are uncomfortable with visitors and will bark, jump, sometimes nip or even bite. Some dogs are too friendly and cannot calm down with the visitor, leading to jumping, climbing, and so on. There are owners who dread having their dog meet humans when out on leash because of the over-excitement it causes. And then there are the dogs who do fine with humans, but who cannot handle being around other dogs when on leash or off leash. Social skills, or lack thereof, are very common issues for countless dog owners and there are a multitude of causes and solutions.

Aggression takes many forms and can be directed at humans, other dogs or both. Every aggression case has an underlying cause. It is common for aggression to be rooted in fear. Other times, a dog’s natural territorialism or protection tendencies can go sideways due to a lack of human leadership and clear direction. Other cases might be a result of trauma, abuse and other human-inflicted cruelty. some are a combination of factors. Every dog deserves to be treated as an individual and to not be labeled & judged. We assess aggression cases and determine whether we can see a path for rehabilitation that will keep the dog and humans safe. But we also commit to being direct with owners if we believe that a dog’s aggression comes from a place that is beyond rehab (a dog is suffering mentally, rehab cannot guarantee the safety of humans or other animals, or the owners are not capable of working a rehab program for the life of the dog that will keep everyone safe).